Thursday, 3 April 2008

This woman's work

I live in a flat that conspires against me – I clean it and 2 days later it looks like it wasn’t cleaned in years. The results never do reflect the labour, the sense of achievement upon completion gives way to a sense of despair within 48 hours. I read that dust is skin ... I can’t be shedding that much skin I am still here ..... I could never hire a cleaner unless I could afford to pay her a bankers wage - some thing about hiring people to clean up after me doesn’t sit right in my heart, perhaps it because cleaners traditionally work so hard for so little...

1 comment:

Madame said...

Even being in the same position as you in terms of affording staff, I don't think I could have a cleaner either....... Pamela Anderson doesn't you know....and she's a vegetarian.....I love Pamela Anderson......